So yesterday I was finally able to download all the requirements for OpenKinect. Its been a painfully slow process of making space then downloading then making space and so on. Anyway I was able to use James' Kinect on my mac. It worked for a little bit but of course it froze my computer after it had been losing too many packets of information. Anyway James and I spend some time on looking at the code and while looking at it a light bulb went off. Even though it was kind of a small one, id say about 5 watts, it was still a new discovery. We found the register that is dealing with the exposure and the value to turn off the automatic feature. Also there is a function that allows you to input a value to a certain register. This is a nice discovery even though it doesn't solve our problem it is a step in the right direction because I think we might be able to edit that function to help us with our problem.
I also did our assignment for TOSS chapter 7, which had to do with applying a patch. A really useful command is diff -u. This puts the differences into a patch format so it is easier to read what the differences are. Hopefully we will be able to put this skill to use soon but while talking to my group we realized that we might have to write a new driver and I have no experience in that. But I can't wait to learn how to!
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